recipes with chestnuts 2 Val di Luce - Discover Val di Luce

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recipes with chestnuts 2

recipes with chestnuts 2

Ingredients for 4 people:
-- Farina chestnut 350 gr
-- Rosemary
-- Lard
-- Sale
For the preparation of necci need the "texts" iron plates round with A handle such as cook pasta of necci. Once the texts were Stone and between the surface and necci is inserivano chestnut leaves for Make them "non-stick" and to scent the necci. In a bowl mix the Chestnut flour so lightly salted cold water in order to obtain a Pastella medium density. In a pan melt the lard do with a Sprig of rosemary with which ungerete good texts previously heated Fire. Pour a spoonful of farinata on one of two irons, close them and Cook the neccio on both sides. Servitelo natural hot, rolled With ricotta and sugar, or stracchino, or other soft cheese.

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